Wholesome Foods
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- Address
986 South Ox Rd.
Edinburg, VA 22824
- Primary business phone number and email
Phone: 540-984-8219Email: christy@wholesomefoodsinc.com
- Contact
Name: Christy HolsingerPhone: 540-984-8219Email: christy@wholesomefoodsinc.com
- Hours (M-F)
8:00 AM- 5:00 PM
Hours notes: We are open Monday-Friday 8am-5pm / FCFS . Saturdays 8am-12pm (Saturday you must call for appt.)
- Services offered
Tractor Maintenance
Detergent Wash
Service notes: Clean out Tankers, Trailers and Hopper's. We can help all tractor or trailer maintance issues including tires. We also offer cross dock and storage options - Container types serviced
Container notes: We washout tankers, Trailers and Hopper's.
- Driver amenities
Driver amenities notes: Bathrooms, Food onsite.
- Facebook profile